Home News Watch kid at White Sox game suffer a devastating loss: His hot...

Watch kid at White Sox game suffer a devastating loss: His hot dog


Food vendors at Fenway Park in Boston, MA during the final home game of the regular season between the Boston Red Sox and the Baltimore Oriels September 21, 2011. The Oriels defeated the Red Sox 6-4 (Photo by Rick Friedman//Corbis via Getty Images)

Food vendors at Fenway Park in Boston, MA during the final home game of the regular season between the Boston Red Sox and the Baltimore Oriels September 21, 2011. The Oriels defeated the Red Sox 6-4 (Photo by Rick Friedman//Corbis via Getty Images)

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Watch kid at White Sox game suffer a devastating loss: His hot dog.

Quick! Someone get this kid a lifetime supply of hot dogs. He deserves it.

Picture this: You’re a kid, who can’t be more than five years old, enjoying a day at the ballpark with your day. You’ve got great seats but then BAM! Your world is turned upside down. You hot dog slides right out of the bun and onto the beer-soaked, peanut-shell-covered concrete floor.

That’s exactly what happened to this poor kid watching the Detroit Tigers vs. the Chicago White Sox on Sunday.

His reaction, hand on head is all of us, to be honest.

We’re with ya bud!