Google Pixel 7 Pro images were recently shared by Google, after the launch of its flagship smartphone on Thursday. The images captured showcase the capabilities of the Super Res Zoom feature of the newly-launched Pixel 7 Pro, which made its debut alongside the vanilla Pixel 7 model. The gallery contains three sets of photos taken in Manhattan, San Francisco, and Mendocino. The first set highlights the One World Trade Center with images starting at 0.5x zoom from afar and going all the way up to 30x showcasing fine details of the main antenna. 30x is the largest zoom magnification ever offered on a Pixel device to date.
The gallery was shared by Google’s Group Product Manager Alexander Schiffhauer, who was also present at the ‘Made by Google’ event, where he revealed the Pixel 7 Pro zoom enhancements in detail. Initially, after 2x zoom, the Super Res Zoom technology crops the images taken by the 50-megapixel main camera.
Zooming further, the upgraded 5x 48-megapixel telephoto camera kicks in along with Super Res Zoom. It takes advantage of the processing power of Google’s Tensor G2 SoC for its new machine learning autofocus algorithm. In addition, Zoom Stabilization assists in capturing detailed images at 15x, 20x, and up to 30x magnification.
The Pixel 7 Pro debuted alongside the standard Pixel 7 on Thursday. Notably, only the Pro model is equipped with the triple rear camera setup that includes a 50-megapixel main sensor, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide angle sensor, and a 48-megapixel telephoto camera. The vanilla Pixel 7 only features a 50-megapixel dual rear camera configuration.
The handset sports a 6.7-inch Quad-HD LTPO OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Running on Android 13 out of the box, it is powered by the second-generation Tensor G2 SoC. It comes with up to 256GB of onboard storage. This is a 5G smartphone that also supports Bluetooth v5.2, NFC, and Wi-Fi 6E. There is also a USB Type-C port for wired charging and data transfer. For security, the smartphone is equipped with an in-display fingerprint sensor and face unlock support.
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