Home Health 730: The Three Keys of Health That Most People Miss With Ian...

730: The Three Keys of Health That Most People Miss With Ian Clark


Child: Welcome to my Mommy’s podcast.

Hello and welcome to the Wellness Mama podcast. I’m Katie from wellnessmama.com. And this episode is all about the three keys of health that most people miss. And I’m back with my friend Ian Clark, who reversed some life-threatening health issues that he had in his 40s and now in his 60s is absolutely thriving. And today we talk about three pillars that in an unconventional way that you have probably not heard before and in a way that really addresses root cause first principles issues that happen within the body, especially as we age.

And these pillars have helped him take his biological age from his genealogical age of 65, I believe now, down to being a measurable biological age of somewhere between 25 and 35, which is pretty astounding. And I’ve been experimenting with these things as well. And my biological age is currently almost 10 years below my actual age as well. So definitely have had some firsthand experience with this. And I’ve been friends with Ian for over 10 years now and always love how he keeps continuing to ask questions and has an endless curiosity until he finally gets to that really first principles approach, which I believe is what we’re talking about in this episode today. So let’s jump in and learn from Ian the three keys of health that most people miss. Ian, welcome back to the podcast. It’s such a joy to chat with you again.

Ian: Yeah, thank you for having me back. This’ll be fun.

Katie: I will include a link in the show notes to other episodes we’ve done in the past, including a really fascinating one about the elephant in the room when it comes to health. But today I want to talk about something else that you and I have spoken about a little bit before. I know you have such wide-ranging wisdom on so, so many topics, but I would love to talk about specifically today the three keys of health that most people miss. So, to start off, can you enlighten us into what the three keys are?

Ian: Yes, well, the first key is to get your biological age around 25 to 35 years old. So depending on where your genetics are and how long you’ve been alive on the earth, it is doable for everyone. The only people who it doesn’t work for are those who are already over the threshold, and they’ve just had too many things to compromise, and maybe they’re 85 or 90 years old. And they are already so damaged that they can’t reverse it, but that’s very rare. So that’s the first key.

The second key is to have structural integrity. That means that your bone structure, your joints, the cartilage, the synovial fluid, the connective tissue, your muscles, your quality of muscle needs to be optimized like a 25-year-old. Now that’s doable for everyone to be able to fix that. And it’s something that you do yourself in this self-care revolution. It does not take high technology. It’s a very simple way of actually approaching your structural.

And the third key is the fuels that you’re going to use to put into your body because you’re going to be consuming air, fluids, and food in your life. You’re also going to be consuming things through your skin. There’s also fuels that need to go on your skin to fuel your body. So those are the three keys. When you optimize all three of them, you have a holistic situation, which I call homeodynamics. Because you’re in a good flow state and everything is working together. All the human operating systems working into one manifestation of an extremely high quality of health and an extremely long life.

Katie: And I love this because it’s simplified. And I love any time we can go down to first principles and find really the core steps versus a long, huge list or spreadsheet of all these things you need to do. But I would guess also sometimes it seems striking to people that there are only three keys. So why are there only three and why not more? How do those three encompass everything we need to understand about health?

Ian: Well, they are the physiological side of your world that you live in. So when I talk about biological health, I’m talking about every single organ in your body, from your brain, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, your pancreas, your digestive tract, your spleen, your gallbladder, your everything. Those are that entire biological system. And when they’re all working and communicating with each other when all your receptor sites are cleaned out. And it’s not just some detox program; it’s building brand spanking new clean blood every day on volume so that that blood can deliver everything biologically to every cell in your body. And as we talked about in the last episode, we’re breathing 11,000 liters of air a day. Pumping 7600 liters of blood every day, where your body only contains around 5 liters of blood total. Five liters of lymphatic fluid, and then all the rest of the fluid that makes up the rest of the 80% fluid in your body is interstitial, intercellular, mucus, saliva, tears, sweat, all those other things that it’s made up of.

So getting those things super clean and everything flowing in its proper way so that all the systems are in full communication. So your brain is now able to monitor everything really clearly. There’s no more pollutants that are plugging the way, causing miscommunication. And it also allows oxygen to get to every cell efficiently. What people ultimately die from is what’s called hypoxia. They’re able to get less and less and less oxygen to every cell in their body as they age. And that’s what eventually causes their demise. What I’m talking about is maintaining 100% integrity in that biological age and all the organs and every cell in your body, getting the proper amount of oxygen to function and all the right nutrients from the food that you’re eating, which takes you into that fuel side.

Katie: And you mentioned biological age and that optimal sweet spot of being in 25- to 35-year-old range. I would love for people to be able to have understanding of how to test for that. Like are there specific tests that you recommend? And then, what are the biggest factors that can help our biological age move to a lower point?

Ian: Well, things like the VO2 max, you can go and get tested. Those pieces of equipment are very expensive, like $80-90,000 that a gym or a lab will invest in to be able to have people testing on it every single day. Checking where your VO2 max is very important. And also checking your things like blood pressure.

Also, really important one is heart rate variability. And heart rate variability is so easy to put into the right place and is no mystery. It was a mystery at one time, but once it’s revealed how to do it, that mystery is eliminated. Now there’s a little device that you can get. It doesn’t cost very much money. And it’s from a company called HeartMath, and you’re probably familiar with those guys, right? You put that little thing in your ear, and it tells you what your variability is. And when you put it on, a lot of people are in the red zone, which is where you don’t want to be. That’s where you’re not in parasympathetic, you’re in sympathetic stress. And that’s a category that most people are running in, and they don’t even know it.

But without the device, without the HeartMath, or without any of those things, the only thing you have to do, and it works for everyone who I’ve ever seen do it, and that means it works for everybody on Earth, because we’re all the same in that regard is you do rhythmic breathing whenever you get the chance. Maybe you’re driving somewhere, maybe you’re sitting and watching a documentary, maybe you have a time where you’re just, can focus on rhythmic breathing. Where you breathe in to the count of five and breathe out to the count of six. You breathe in through your nose, a very smooth, deep breath. You’re not forcing it, you’re just a nice, relaxed breathing, and you’re smoothly breathing out to the count of six, and then breathing in. Within 30 seconds of doing that simple thing, you put yourself right into the green zone immediately measurable with heart rate variable monitor.

Now it’s fun to get a monitor and see where you’re at because everyone likes to see something on a screen. But, even without the screen, it works for you 100%. You can do it right now. You’re listening and you can just start doing that. Rhythmic breathing is what it does because when you, and you also focus on your heart, like you know, when you take a deep breath, you can feel that really good energy feeling in your heart? That’s because the air is immediately going to your heart and the oxygen goes immediately to your brain. When you do that, your brain then relaxes, and your whole endocrine system, your whole autonomic nervous system, everything just starts to go into a beautiful balanced state. And that makes your physiology have nice clean data coming out. Because if you’re stressed, if you’re in sympathetic stress, it’s chaotic for your data streams. You know, your brain is like, I’m not sure where things are at.

And it messes with your gut health. It messes with your endocrine system. Your hormones go off if you’re not in parasympathetic. You don’t have deep enough sleep, your sleep quality is not good enough. People get stuck in sympathetic stress. And they, when they get stuck in, sorry about that, when they get stuck in sympathetic stress, they don’t have deep enough sleep. Their body’s not restoring and digesting and resting properly. And therefore, it can’t heal itself because your body’s always healing. But when you’re not in equilibrium and you can’t heal then you got a situation where things get off track. And then your KPIs show up in the wrong way. You start seeing after 10 years of that, you notice that you’re not where you used to be 10 years ago. You’re feeling worse.

And things like depression and anxiety, they’re all tied into these systems as well. Because look how much you have to go through in your life now. Everyone is carrying one of these, one of these smartphones, dumb phones, okay? And they get attached to us. We don’t go anywhere without them. And these things are putting out microwave radiation signals constantly. It’s called radiofrequency. And that is interrupting our equilibrium because we are electrical beings. So everyone knows that you don’t put a cell phone to your head and talk on a phone. That’s the worst thing you can do to your brain. You keep your phone away from you, but you’re getting hit with WiFi, with cell towers, with every imaginable radiofrequency. Everyone’s on these phones. The more people who get on these phones and get on calls and stream data, the more that fills our atmosphere with that pollutant. And it throws your whole electrical system off.

So when you have the right biological and the right autonomic nervous system tuned in, that protects you from those things. And as we talked about in the last episode, drinking the sea minerals every day to create clean blood also protects yourselves and shields you. Because you being the electrical being, these are the master minerals that allow your cells to communicate well. Because it’s filling you up with the clean crystals from the salt that allows your body to have really clean signal-to-noise ratio. No more chaos.

Katie: So let’s switch gears and talk structural health for a minute as well, because certainly I know we hear of injury rates increasing as people get older typically or falls leading to hip breaks or tearing ligaments and knees or joint replacements. This certainly is a common problem. What are some of the ways that we can guard against it or increase our resilience and our structural health?

Ian: Yeah, so you just mentioned the really important ones. I think the one that would stand out the most out of that category is joint replacement. So people, when they get into their 50s, 60s, and 70s, they’re more often than not needing a hip replacement or a knee replacement. Otherwise, they are limping and they’re in pain. Why is their hip wearing out? Why is their knee wearing out? What caused it? Well, what caused it is the intake of all the nanoparticulates, which are like abrasives. Those abrasives go in on a joint that is so well built with the cartilage and the synovial fluid. It should never, never, never wear out. So the structural health is where all these things get embedded in the flesh, in the joint, in the connective tissue, in the muscles.

And the only way to get it out properly, well, there’s two ways, is by cleaning your blood, but number two, using percussion on the skin. Your body responds very well to percussion. And there’s a thing called Classical Chinese Medicine. Classical Chinese Medicine most people have never heard of. They know about Traditional Chinese Medicine. You know about Oriental medicine where you have, you check your tongue, you check your pulse, you have, you get diagnosed with whatever herbs you need, you make these herbal teas and you drink them. That requires a very skilled practitioner, an Oriental medical doctor in order to determine where your problems are and then what you can drink to take to alleviate it. Well, that’s a very difficult thing to do. And that’s a very slow-motion thing.

The Classical Chinese medicine looks at you and says, “You are going to be empowered yourself to take care of your own body through percussion.” And so this was discovered thousands of years ago. But all that information was lost. Starting around 35 years ago, there was a gentleman who had an opportunity to just go and put a backpack on. He had millions of dollars, that wasn’t going to help him. He was told by somebody, “If you really want to learn and understand what’s going on, you are going to put a backpack on, you’re not going to drive, you’re going to go for a walk. And you’re going to walk through all the parts of the parts of China, and you’re going to meet the people who have the deepest level of understanding of how to take care of yourself.”

And his goal was to find something that did not require skill. That dealt with everything all at once. That did not take any money, and that you could do yourself fairly easily. And when he discovered these two particular things that he found out about, and he eliminated all the other ones that took skill and was a problematic thing. And he brought it back to people and he started practicing that with people and showing them. He wasn’t doing the treatments himself, showing them how to do treatments for themselves or with somebody else they were partnered with, maybe a husband or wife or two friends. And it’s simply a means of using percussion, you can use your hand, which is very efficient. And then there’s a way you can make, they make these little silicon hands that are attached to a rod. And all you do is say if your shoulder is a problem, or your hip is a problem, or your knee is a problem, you just start out by simply spending five minutes and using it in a percussion against the skin. When there’s nothing wrong, nothing happens. You won’t notice anything. You’ll just do it, and you can do it for five minutes, 10 minutes, an hour. And nothing will happen.

When there’s these nanoparticles that have been embedded in the flesh and in the cartilage and in the connective tissue, it will cause a symptom to come up. And that symptom is it will begin to, it’ll sting a little bit, but then the stinging goes away right away. But then it will start to burn. And it will start to swell up, and it will look like it’s bruising. And then it will just, whatever the amount of problem is, will be the amount of burning pain and bruising that happens, which will never happen when there’s no problem.

So when you do the treatment, that particular area you did, takes about a week to drain. It doesn’t damage you at all. It doesn’t immobilize you. It actually makes everything work immediately better. And then a week later is completely drained. If you’ve done the treatment right the first time, you go back the second time, and nothing happens. If you didn’t do it enough, then you go back a second time and a little bit comes up, but not as much. And all you do is methodically go through your body, starting with the places that are the most difficult. If you have a bad knee, you start with your knee, and you do eight different treatments, five minutes each on your knee. And I have personally done this. I have helped hundreds of people do these things and shown them and taught them how to do it. And every single person, 100% of the time, gets a fabulous result as a result of these treatments. So this is healing your own body from the outside in, you doing it yourself. If there’s an area that’s difficult to reach, you can get somebody to help you with it.

And I always tell everybody it doesn’t cost any money. It takes a little bit of time, a little bit of energy and a little bit of effort. And it also takes a bank account full of courage. You have a bank account that has money in it, but you have a bank account that has courage in it. And the way you build the courage in that bank account is by doing the treatments. The first treatment you do is shocking at how it is. You’re just like, “Wow. That was actually very intense.” And the second treatment, you’re psychologically ready for it and then you can do it easier. The more treatments you do, the easier it becomes. And you basically do all the problem areas first. And then you do all the meridian second, and you do all the rest of your body third, head to toe, until you can do the percussion on any part of your skin, anywhere in your body, and absolutely nothing happens.

And I’ve done most of my body already. And I could show you, I could go for one hour on my knees and nothing will happen. Whereas when I did the first five-minute treatments on each area of my knees, they swelled up, they burned, and they bruised, and then they drained and totally healed my knees. I had such bad knees, I literally had to, I had to stop snow skiing and water skiing when I was 21 years old because of an injury on my left knee that was so significant from an oil field accident where my knee got crushed that I could never have any twisting of my knee ever again. I even had to watch when I was walking down a set of staircases. Not going up didn’t bother me, but going down, if I went around a corner, I couldn’t allow my knee to twist at all or blow up like a basketball. And that knee, I couldn’t sit in an auditorium or a movie or a sports event for more than 20 minutes without being able to put my legs straight because you can’t straighten your leg out in that situation because of the seat in front of you, and I would have to leave.

Today, after I healed my knees with this very simple thing, I can do anything I want. I can twist my knees, I can ski, I can do whatever I like, just like a young man. So when I saw that happen, I was like, “Wow, we have tapped into something that is so effective.” All these other technologies and equipment and treatments and physical therapy, they’re like band-aids. When you do this, it just removes the problem. So all of these remedies in the world, there’s hundreds of thousands of skews of supplements that are produced by thousands of companies around the world and they’re all remedies. They’re no longer required once you remove the problem. The remedies are always required when the problem, the root cause, is still sitting there because you’re always trying to remedy it to get rid of the symptom. And the remedies do get rid of the symptoms temporarily, but they come back.

Katie: And for the reasons you’re explaining, it seems like these keys could be implemented into truly any health protocol. Even if you’re already doing those other things, it doesn’t mean you necessarily stop doing them cold turkey, but that over time, these things might remove the need for doing them at all. And you mentioned fuels. I know we did a whole short episode on this already, and I’ll make sure that’s linked. But can you also briefly talk about that third key and what are the best fuels to put in our body and what do optimal amounts of those things look like?

Ian: Okay, well, the first fuel, the most important fuel, is the concentrated sea minerals that are diluted into water. And you have it as five grams per liter. And you drink one liter for 50 pounds of body weight up to 3 liters a day. Because if a person is, say, 250 pounds, they’re not going to drink five liters a day because they still only have five liters of blood, even though they’re heavier. So they’re going to drink up to three liters. If you’re 100 pounds, you only drink two liters a day. And that provides the raw material to produce clean blood, which then goes and feeds your whole system out, which takes a shorter amount of time the younger you are and a longer amount of time the older you are.

The next fuel is what we call transdermal magnesium. So I discovered a type of magnesium chloride hexahydrate about 15 years ago, which, when you put it into a solution and it takes about 12 hours to make it. So we make it in our factory. And when you spray it on your skin, it instantly goes geographically right where you need it. It goes in in about 90 seconds. So you spray it all over your body once a day minimum and even twice a day if you want to optimize it. And then that fuels every cell in your body with a master mineral called magnesium chloride hexahydrate that allows the biochemical reactions to be fueled. So that also comes from the ocean. All these things are really ocean-derived.

Another fuel is marine phytoplankton. Marine phytoplankton almost no one knows about because it just hasn’t been educated enough. But it’s two strains of marine phytoplankton that are extracted from the ocean and grown on land in a photobioreactor. They’re heirloom original. They have every nutritional molecule known to all historical data in it. And when you consume it, you’re giving your body the entire spectrum of every nutritional molecule that your body can make hormones with, create vitamins, bring in the amino acids, the essential fatty acids, the pigments, the plant minerals, and all these things that your body is craving. And it brings your whole body intelligence way up.

Otherwise, you want to eat very clean food. You want to make sure that when you’re eating animal food that is pasture-raised, that they’re not in an environment where they’re contaminating. The food, the other food, the vegetables, the fruit, you want to make sure are not sprayed with all these terrible petrochemicals that they spray with for fertilizers and for all the pesticides and herbicides and things like that. You want to eat clean.

And then we, you’ve talked about hydration, and hydration is not what people think. And I know you know this, but people think that if they drink a lot of water that they’re going to hydrate themselves, but that actually dehydrates you. Because hydration is not how much water you consume but rather how much electrolytic fluid you consume. Because hydration is based upon the quality of the fluid in your body. Eighty percent of your body is electrolytic fluid, it’s not water. When you drink water, your body has to donate these precious elements that it has in reserve into the water and then you urinate it out of your body. You lose minerals when you drink pure water.

And mineral water doesn’t help you either because mineral water is dissolved rock. Dissolved rock is not what your body wants. Your body wants, you’re a walking ocean. It wants the nutrients from the ocean, the minerals from the ocean, is the key. And so then, depending on what a person is leaning towards, a diet, maybe they’re vegetarians or vegans or they’re omnivores or carnivores or whatever they are. I got to make sure that it’s clean. You know, I don’t put a title on any diets anymore. I just found out the foods that work the best with my body. And that’s your job is to find other foods that make you feel the best, that give you the most sustainable energy, where you don’t break out from eating something, you know, you don’t have some reaction, but you’re just getting fueled. And right now, because of my body being satiated with the sea minerals, I require 25% of the amount of food I required just even a year ago. Because my body is satiated. I get hungry like normal, but I only need a little bit of food. I don’t gain weight, I don’t lose weight. My body has gone right to where it wants to go, and it just stays there.

Katie: That’s incredible. And from my understanding, you also have a place, there’s a community growing around this with people who are experimenting and want to share their results. Can you talk about that at all? Of course, I’ll make sure it’s linked as well.

Ian: Yes, but what we’re building right now is access points where people can build relationships with people who are in the space. And it’s a place where you can subscribe. It begins with an email subscription. You get tapped into the flow of information, but then to be able to share, we haven’t got it launched yet, but we’re launching a community where people can come in and get a lot of this information and get the feedback because what happens to you is that you’re a totally unique individual. You have a unique background, a unique set of genetics. And you’re going to have some different experiences than others when your body starts to remove all of the unwanted material out of your body. Like, for example, when you start drinking the sea minerals in the water, your body is opportunistic. And it wants to produce blood right away. And it knows that you have never done this before. So your body thinks, “Oh, this is just temporary.” So it will freak out, and it will start to draw moisture as much as it can from every part of your body. It’ll go to your colon and pull moisture out, which will constipate you, cause it doesn’t mean to do that, but it just doesn’t know. It doesn’t trust you enough. Your body doesn’t trust you until you’ve been doing it for like 90 days.

And around the 90-day point, your body’s like, I think this is going to keep going. I’m going to stop freaking out. I’m not going to try to produce blood on rapid. I’m just going to let it happen. Your bone marrow is where you produce the blood. So your system becomes calm. You get into equilibrium. So there’s coaching that’s needed. And people, you know, so portable people can come in and ask questions.

Right now, I have a small platform on TikTok. I don’t go on TikTok myself because I don’t have time. I don’t go on Instagram because I don’t have time. But I do publish on those two platforms. And I just have these short little videos that are one minute to one and a half minutes to give sound bites on things that people can really benefit from. And I cover as many subjects as possible, everything from dental health, very similar to what you’ve been doing all along. I finally realized that’s how you do it. You get bite-sized information and people can get that and go, “Okay, that sounds right,” because it’s all common sense based. It’s all mathematical based. So yeah, just having people subscribe and as well as become a participant in this relationship building and get access to deeper information and also some coaching.

Katie: I’ll make sure there’s a link included to that as well. It’s always so much fun to get to chat with you. I always learn so much, and I know that we will have future conversations because you are endlessly learning and always are so fascinating to talk to. But Ian, thank you so much for being here today. Like I said, I’m experimenting with these things. I would love to do another episode in a few months, maybe, and report my own results and get to speak more about all of this. But I’m incredibly grateful for your time. Thank you for being here today.

Ian: And I’m also very grateful for your work you’ve done in building up the audience to serve people at a really high level.

Katie: Thank you. And thanks as always to all of you for listening and sharing your most valuable resources, your time, your energy, and your attention with us today. We’re both so grateful that you did, and I hope that you will join me again on the next episode of the Wellness Mama podcast.

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