Home News Brilliant behind the scenes footage shows Jurgen Klopp’s admiration for Alexis Mac...

Brilliant behind the scenes footage shows Jurgen Klopp’s admiration for Alexis Mac Allister


If there’s one thing we could wish for, it would be for Jurgen Klopp to look at us the way he looks at Alexis Mac Allister, with pure admiration.

Liverpool’s No. 10 was exceptional against Forest, creating six chances and setting up the all-important winner for Darwin Nunez with a moment of exceptional clarity.

“The goal was set up by a guy who was the calmest on the whole pitch,” Klopp said of Mac Allister after Saturday’s win. “I saw it only live but I’ll never forget it.

“He was calm. He chips the ball there. Super assist and super important goal.”

The Argentine was in his more recognisable role as a No. 8, and his assist was his fourth goal contribution in his last five games, with the Argentine duly receiving plenty of plaudits.

Klopp was among those to hail his No. 10, but his reaction, filmed by LFC, in the back rooms after Saturday’s match spoke volumes.

Mac Allister was spotted hugging the wall while catching up with national compatriot Nicolas Dominguez, and as Klopp was making his way through the tight space he had to stop and acknowledge his midfielder.

With a point and an impressed glance, Klopp shook Mac Allister’s hand after greeting him with a “good player” remark, a giddy smile followed before the manager sought Dominguez’s attention by saying “muy bien.”

Mac Allister was so good Klopp had to say it in two different languages!

The Argentine’s smile spoke volumes as he accepted Klopp’s praise, something he will be embracing at every turn with only a finite number of games left under his tutelage.

It is one small interaction, but it sums up Klopp as a manager and what Liverpool have been so lucky to have for nearly nine years now.

It’s no wonder players are prepared to run themselves into the ground for him, that’s what he inspires them to do – we only have to look at the last week for evidence of just that!