Home News The Gathering boxing fight night RECAP: Start time and scorecards as Dane...

The Gathering boxing fight night RECAP: Start time and scorecards as Dane Swan wins, Kane Cornes is battered and Mitch Robinson triumphs




A few parting shots

Fight of the night: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

That started out quiet for the Korean but turned into an all-out war with two huge turns in momentum – the second being the rip that decided the bout for the Aussie.

Performance of the night: Mitch Robinson

He really needs to fight again. Great mix of composure, aggression and powerful, accurate punching from the ex-Lions hard man. Made Pettifer look like the debutant.

If you listened to the crowd and took in the reaction on social media, this one’s easy – any punch Nathan Brown landed on Kane Cornes.

How the Aussie ended up bloodied

Here’s the ninth-round clash of heads that would’ve had England’s corner hitting the panic button for a minute.

The ref had repeatedly warned the fighters to watch their heads, right from the first round, as they often shifted forward very quickly at the same time.

England’s lucky it didn’t happen earlier in the fight, which was far and away the closest and most technical bout on the card.

England wins via split decision – after some last-minute drama

There’s a bit of a shock in the ring as the announcer has to break off in the middle of reading out the scores to check something before continuing.

The judges score it 96-94 England, 97-93 Herring, 96-94 England – and the Aussie is the new WBO global super featherweight champion.

He’s now ranked in the top 15 in the world and dedicates the fight to his ‘two beautiful sons’.

Defensive masterclass from both fighters

What an incredibly tough fight to judge. England’s aggression might be the deciding factor here because there was bugger-all in it otherwise.

Round 10: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Both boxers land at the same time to start the last round. England is still incredibly quick on his feet but can’t land a clean shot.

Big right hook misses for the Aussie, who is the busier man in there. A jab lands for Herring as England comes in. And another. Left hand power shot just misses.

A minute left. Good stiff jab from England, straight right to the body. He has to keep outworking the Yank.

Hherring hits home with a good left in close. More clinching. Herring lands to the body, England with a jab to the head just before the bell.

Round 9: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

The opening jab-cross from England comes up short. Herring gets a sneaky short right through to the body.

Southpaw works for England again – then there’s a head clash that has resulted in a bad cut.

England has been opened up above the right eye. You’d far rather get cut under the eye so the blood doesn’t affect your vision. There’s a fair amount of claret there and the cut man has a job ahead of him.

Good jab, body shot from Herring. He nullfiies another attempt at a straight right from the Aussie.

Round 8: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Barry Michael just called Herring fit as a trout. He’s not wrong. If it wasn’t for the sweat you’d think he’d just finished his ring walk.

Herring gets an official warning for throwing kidney shots. Seconds later he gets hit with a very nice left hook.

Right-hand body shot from England. Herring lands to the body. A straight left rocks England’s head back but he took it on the gloves.

England switches stance again but ends up in a clinch. Herring makes him miss twice and showboats a little. You have to feel sorry for the judges here.

Round 7: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

If this was a footy match it’d be tied at three-quarter time.

Herring scores with two heavy body shots but takes a nice right to the jaw, then England repeats the dose.

Another right hand from England. Herring is sitting and waiting for him, relaxed – and that might tell in the ninth and 10th, because this doesn’t look like going anywhere but to the judges’ cards.

Herring gets through with a couple of jabs. Might be enough if the judges get impressionable at the end of the round.

Round 6: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Nice, busy opening from England, using his feet to make angles and landing with a jab-jab-right.

This is a lot like an amateur fight in that there are scoring punches with regularity, but neither man is landing heavy shots, and Herring isn’t loading up much at all. Uppercuts are a rarity.

Jackson hits paydirt with a jab after missing with the rest of his combo. Nice straight left to the body from Herring and that sounded a bit nasty.

England’s corner yelling at him to come on as he backs Herring up to the corner, but can’t hurt him. He gets this one for being busier.

Round 5: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Back to orthodox for England here. Herring has upped the pace a bit, pumping that jab out before the pair have a couple of quick clinches.

It seems like the Aussie’s youth and great condition are starting to tell a bit, but the American could be foxing. If there wasn’t so much clinching the Aussie might be able to up the action and outwork his rival.

Two good body shots from Herring, then a left that just grazes the Aussie’s chin. He slips one and counters with a right in reply.

Round 4: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

England switches to southpaw ad it works… until Herring adjusts and out-jabs him.

The Aussie wants to improve the way he’s closing the distance here as he gets clipped on the way in again.

Great slip followed by a left hook, right hand by England – that was slick stuff.

The Aussie keeps switching stances and starts making his man miss before landing another left hook. Herring is going a little quiet here and gets hit to the body.

Some good moments for England there.

Round 3: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Herring opens up with a left hand that just misses. Then he tries it again – and gets the desired result, landing on the chin. Best punch of the fight so far. His corner are yelling at the American to be more active.

England scores with a right, Herring with a left. The Aussie is rushing in a little – but makes it work with a crisp right hand.

Just a tad wild from England as he tries for a two-punch combo, then lands a right just before the bell to give the judges a nice last impression.

Who won that one? How long is a piece of string? But we’ll be patriotic here…

Round 2: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Jab to the body from England. And another. He throws a wild left hook and is hit with a short right counter.

A straight right to the body from the Aussie, who blocks a straight left.

England is tagged by a jab as he ups the aggression. He’s winging his punches, which won’t work against a boxer of Herring’s speed and experience.

Nice evasion from Herring, who takes a few on the gloves to he can go to the body with power.

Another right to the body. The American gets that one.

Round 1: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England

Jackson is jittery and full of energy, the more experienced American is patient and measured. Fair bit of clinching going on already as England tries to land the straight right against his southpaw opponent.

Two rights get through for the Aussie and the ref has warned Herring about landing kidney shots.

Herring lands a nice jab, then another clinch. The Yank is trying to break up England’s rhythm.

Mitch Robinson – not to be messed with on the field… or off it

The Brisbane hard man crumpled Pettifer with this right hand – one of several big punches that had him in trouble during the fight.

Next up: Jamal Herring vs Jackson England for the WBO global super featherweight title

Herring held the WBO junior lightweight strap from 2019 to 2021, and boasts a 24-4 record. England’s record sits at 15-3 and is known as a stylish fighter who is former undisputed world champ George Kambosos’s sparring partner.

Mitch Robinson takes the unanimous points win – and says he wants to take on an NRL star

This bloke should fight again. Never looked troubled.

‘I s**t myself in the room but I knew I could punch if I had to,’ he said, before throwing in an F-bomb for good measure – then says he wants to take on some NRL big names.

He is somewhat keen for a beer after not drinking for eight weeks, too.

There’s a brewery not far from Adelaide 36ers Arena, tonight’s venue. If they’ve closed their doors they could be missing out on a golden business opportunity.

Round 4: Kayne Pettifer vs Mitch Robinson

It’d take something special from Kayne to avoid his first loss as a pro here.

Pettifer finally makes the better start of the two. Robinson apologises to the ref because he punched after break was called. He never did that on a footy field.

A left-right stuns Pettifer, who is hanging on for dear life. A big overhand right lands from Robinson and Pettifer is rocked again.

That’s clear cut. Robinson is a natural.

Round 3: Kayne Pettifer vs Mitch Robinson

Big right from Robinson as he again makes his mark very early. That jab is landing over and over again.

Jeez Robinson looks at home in the ring for a debutant.

He hurts Pettifer again with a left-right, he didn’t see the right coming. Pettifer is moving back in a straight line with his chin up. He’s rattled and he’s marked badly under his right eye. He’ll have trouble seeing out of it at this rate.

A huge one-two right on the bell. Kayne is in strife, looks a thousand miles away from the KO he needs here.

Round 2: Kayne Pettifer vs Mitch Robinson

Robinson backs his man up straight away, slips a conter and keeps landing. He’s making Pettifer look bad here and cracks him with a left hook that hurts his rival.

Pettifer finds the mark with a short left hook but cops a hard shot in return. He’s got no answer to Robinson’s jab and speed.

Good timing from Robinson, too – catching his man on the way in and not letting him settle into any sort of rhythm.

A jab snaps Pettifer’s head back to end it.

Round 1: Kayne Pettifer vs Mitch Robinson

If you didn’t know better you’d think Robinson was the more experienced fighter – he lands two good punches to start the round.

He shoves Pettifer off him in the corner and hits him with a left to the head, then rocks him back on the ropes with a right that was blocked but still pretty effective.

Pettifer finally comes back with a decent combo but the jab-cross combo is working for the Lions great.

The shot that won it for Brubaker

The Korean was folded by this shot about midway through the last round – and if it hadn’t landed, there’s every chance he gets his hand raised instead of the Cronulla Cowboy.

Up next: Mitch Robinson vs Kayne Pettifer

These two footy greats are even in every category except experience, with Pettifer boasting three wins from three pro fights.

Danny Green is really looking forward to this one and Robinson has promised to box the same way he played AFL – aggressively.

Brubaker takes the unanimous decision thanks to the left rip from hell

The judges give it to Brubaker in a unanimous decision, with two judges only giving it to him by one point.

That left rip from Brubaker hit Seo right on the liver and won him the fight. It’s one of the most painful shots a boxer can take and it’s a tribute to him that he was able to fight on.

‘I’ve been in those types of situations my whole career,’ he says, cowboy hat on after having his hand raised, then makes some incredibly raw comments about using boxing to help him out with his mental health struggles.

Seo will be kicking himself for the slow start to that bout. If he’d pressed more early on, that could easily have been his win.

Here’s Brubaker’s entrance to entertain you while we wait for the judges

Round 8: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo – the Korean is floored by a body shot but fights on

Another good start for the Cowboy in the final round. He lands with two strong right hands but Seo is matching him chin for chin.

The Korean has slowed right down – and he’s dropped by a left rip!

He is up at the count of eight and Brubaker wades in, body, head, head, body.

Seo is on his bike and clinches for his life. Lands two big right hands as the final 30 seconds tick away.

Seo’s game as hell and keeps flailing right to the bell.

WHAT a contest that was. Brubaker might’ve pulled it out of the fire there.

Round 7: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

Brubaker might be made of titanium but he can’t keep taking this punishment.

He starts the round well but Seo absolutely cracks him wth another uppercut, then takes all the momentum back with long combinations.

The Aussie is landing but only really one shot at a time, then eating bunches of blows in return. He looks disheartened – and drops his hands and walks onto a big right.

Then, as usual, he unleashes a cracking left hook – but Seo walks on and goes to the body again.

The Aussie keeps tropping his hands and looks by far the more tired of the two. Still a closer round for him as the Korean also slowed down.

Round 6: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

Seo weathers an early barrage without taking a backwards step and returns to that destructive bodywork and uppercutting. Brubaker has no answer for either.

He backs Seo up, however, and lands a good right, and gets into some bodywork of his own.

Lots of blood from Brubaker’s nose, which is to be expected when you take that many uppercuts. Seo landing up to seven shots in a row and the Aussie looks to be in deep water. He is drained badly.

Seo lands but takes an enormous left to the head – then waves Brubaker on!

Now he’s landing rights to the body in the corner before getting all the sweat smashed off his head with a right hand.

Round 5: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

That left rip just keeps working for Seo, same with the uppercut. The rip is such a sapping punch. If he places it on Brubaker’s liver it could stop the fight.

Seo backs the Cowboy up and another left rip. This is the sort of thing Johnny Lewis-trained fighters used to be known for.

A big right hand lead lands clean in a very worrying sign for the Aussie, who replies with low shots that got missed by the ref.

Brubaker looks badly damaged. Seo is unloading at will and not fearing the reply.

The Cronulla pug isn’t backing down but this fight has completely shifted through 180 degrees.

Round 4: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

Shocking mistake with the timekeeping in this fight – the last two rounds have finished with around 55 seconds left. How on earth that happens is anybody’s guess. If this was a world title fight there would be outrage.

Seo lands a nasty left rip that crumples Brubaker for a second and he wades in and lands some heavy shots after.

The Korean looks to be wearing his man down and is fighting in close.

But Brubaker storms back with some heavy shots of his own and batters Seo back onto the ropes.

Great uppercut from the Korean, who slips the counter. And another uppercut, vicious, rip, uppercut. This does not look good for the Aussie.

Round 3: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

Seo will feel those opening body shots tomorrow. His lack of activity is encouraging Brubaker to open up – but the Aussie takes a bg overhand right, but returns serve with a big shot to the ribs.

The Korean is marked up – bleeding from the nose and might have a mouse under his left eye.

Brubaker hits his man with a sneaky shot after the referee called on them to stop. He took some punishment in that round as Seo finally showed off his power.

Round 2: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

If Brubaker had a right hand to match that jab of his, he might’ve knocked his man down now.

Some good body work drives Seo back. The straight right to the solar plexus keeps getting through.

Seo is fighting like a man who has a killer punch in his arsenal – he’s not busy and seems to be waiting for a mistake to capitalise on. Better round for him, but not enough of an improvement to take it.

Round 1: Jack Brubaker vs In Duck Seo

The ‘Cronulla Cowboy’ comes out dancing to Cotton Eye Joe.

He came very close to KOing Nikita Tszyu before getting stopped and has earned a reputation for having a chin like an elephant’s foot.

Seo gets his head snapped back by a jab to kick this one off. then another as the Korean gets used to his reach.

A right glances off Seo’s head, he blocks a hard left hook, but looks composed and patient.

Brubaker jets jabbed to the nose as Seo starts to come forward, then some scrappy clinches follow. Bit early in the fight for that.

The Cowboy’s jab is working but he eats a good straight right. Was still the busier fighter.

Nathan Brown takes a unanimous decision – and finally shuts Cornes up

The judges have given Brown the unanimous win, and rightly so.

Upcoming episodes of the Sunday Footy Show will be must-watch TV.

‘I’ve never been more nervous about anything in my life,’ Cornes says.

‘What a surprise packet. He’s got a lot of power. Incredible footballer.’

Cornes admits he thought he was in ‘real trouble’ at one point – and that was probably when he took a hard right in the first round.

This should be Brown’s fight

He gave away plenty in fitness but clearly outlanded Cornes, who seemed to go into his shell after getting hit with a few early.

Brown v Cornes

Round 4: Kane Cornes vs Nathan Brown

Cornes jabs well but gets a jab and a hard right to the face for his trouble. He is not seeing those punches or can’t get his head out of the way.

Cobwebs on Cornes’ right hand so far. A stiff jap snaps his head back. He needs a knockout here and looks no chance of getting it.

Whack goes Brown’s right. Great effort from him, seems to have got a second win.

Cornes circling with the jab and won’t engage. If he was this cautious as a pundit he’d be out of a job.

Round 3: Kane Cornes vs Nathan Brown

Another counter right lands from Brown, and an uppercut. Stiff jab. He has started every round off in eye-catching style.

Cornes is starting to get a few through and it looks like Brown’s battery is sitting on about 15 per cent.

Wild right from Cornes and Brown gets a left through. Cornes should pile on the pressure here – even if he doesn’t land much, he should suck the energy out of Browny and get him in the final round.

Jab to the body to finish for Brown. Definitely Cornes’ best round but it wasn’t enough for mine.

Round 2: Kane Cornes vs Nathan Brown

Brown with a straight right and a body shot. He’s outlanding Cornes like crazy. The Power great is too cautious – he lines his man up but is way too tentaive with his shots.

Brown lets him come in and counters well, rocking Cornes’ head back.

Problem here is Brown’s fitness. He is struggling for breath and slowed down badly towards the end of that round.

Round 1: Kane Cornes vs Nathan Brown

Now Cornes is getting booed just before the opening bell. Must be Crows fans.

Brown lands with a three-punch combo to the head!

Good stiff jab from Brown, and another, then he nails Cornes on the counter after being backed up into the corner.

Cornes takes the centre of the ring and keeps walking Brown down.

The Tiger is pawing with his jab to gauge the distance, lands another good counter shot… then there’s a break as Brown loses his mouthpiece. But the clock isn’t stopped.

Brown clips Cornes with a right a split second after the bell.. and Cornes has the dirts.

Not many Richmond fans in the house tonight

Brown wears the Tigers colours on his walk to the ring – and the boos rain down.

Cornes looks to be in incredible shape. You’d stack him up against any 41-year-old in Australia. Incredible jaw muscles from all that talking.

Think this one meant something to Joel Camilleri?

The first knockdown in Camilleri vs Pavlides

If you think this is bad, wait until you see the second one…

Up next: Kane Cornes vs Nathan Brown

You get the feeling this is the real main event tonight – especially for the Croweaters who have packed into the venue.

Cornes is a very divisive figure in the footy world and a stack of AFL fans will be hoping he gets knocked out.

He’s giving away 5kg to Brown and it shows.

From the neck down they look like the sort before and after photos gyms use to advertise. Cornes runs marathons and thinks it’s fun – and everyone knows he’s not bad at running his mouth either.

Browny is looking nervous as he gets ready for his ring walk. Cornes looks composed and serious.

What an absolute clinic from Camilleri

The killer punch was right on the button – and the ref should have waved that off. He put Pavlides at risk letting him go on there.

Thankfully, he looks OK as he walks to the middle of the ring to watch his opponent’s hand get raised.

There can’t be a middleweight fighter in Australia who’d be keen to take on Camilleri after that display.

He said he actually didn’t feel sharp in that first round, when he almost finished it with the first of those monster rights.

Round 4: Joel Camilleri vs Joel Pavlides – Camilleri wins by TKO

Camilleri is now dancing away from shots with his hands down. Pavlides gets cracked with that big right again but his chin stands up to it. God knows how. He walked onto that.

The veteran throws a huge left hook that barely misses. He’s almost toying with Pavlides here. You can see why he gave Tszyu so much trouble. He spars Tim a lot so it’s no wonder this looks like a training session for him.

A sneaky left lands for Camilleri, who starts smiling. He is putting on a clinic here.

BANG! Another massive right hand knocks Joel stupid and this should have been stopped right then and there.

Camilleri lands another right on the bell and Pavlides’ corner should be doing some hard thinking.

And there you go – the towel comes in and this is over.

Round 3: Joel Camilleri vs Joel Pavlides

Pavlides won’t go the distance if he keeps this up. He’s lunging in, his balance isn’t great, he isn’t making angles.

Camilleri refuses to be a stationary target. The gulf in experience is showing constantly.

You can see Pavlides getting frustrated and making a fatal error here. He has no intention of trying to win this on points.

A rare clinch after Camilleri gets himself out of the corner. He cops a jab but takes the round again.

Round 2: Joel Camilleri vs Joel Pavlides

Pavlides is crazy – no caution in him. He charges forward again to start the round and is non-stop aggressive for the first minute.

He almost gets caught by another right, lands a jab – his best punch so far. But that right gets him again, although he weathers it this time.

Camilleri lands another right. He’s the matador to Pavlides’ bull here – just letting him come in, then timing that straight right with menace.

Camilleri is showing great footwork and Pavlides doesn’t know what to do when he moves side to side.

Round 1: Joel Camilleri vs Joel Pavlides – KNOCKDOWN

The WBO Oceania middleweight strap is on the line here.

The overhand right of Camilleri is the punch to watch out for here, according to Michael.

Camilleri looks the stronger of the two and is in outstanding condition. He lets go with that right and just misses as Pavlides comes in.

Pavlides charges in again and gets smashed with a counter right! He beats the count but is hurt badly.

Camilleri doesn’t get too aggressive, he picks his shots, then ges his man on th ropes and is throwing lots of unanswered shots. The ref is having a close look with a minute left.

Pavlides needs to throw back. He is not well at all.

Camilleri gives him 20 seconds off and he recovers, then bores in again, in a straight line, just asking to be hammered.

Thought that was over when that right landed. Outstanding efford from Pavlides to make it through.

Up next: Joel Camilleri vs Joel Pavlides

Danny Green says it’s a big occasion and test for Pavlides, who comes in with a 5-2-1 record. He’s on a three-fight win streak but it’s a large step up in class for him tonight.

Joel Camilleri is vastly more experienced with his 27-8-1 record, which includes a loss to Tim Tszyu, but he took the Aussie star the distance.

Camilleri reckons Pavlides is ‘too game for his own good’ and he’s predicting a late stoppage.

High praise from Danny Green for Swan

‘He’s a lot more technical than I thought,’ Green says, and a lot of boxing fans would agree with him.

Not letting nervous energy sap the life out of you is a big challenge for all novice fighters and Dane did that to great effect. As he said afterwards, ‘I’m a pretty relaxed person anyway.’

Swan wins a unanimous decision – and jokes about his ‘Vegas diet’

The judges give it to Swan unanimously, and rightly so.

Swan isn’t even breathing hard as he’s interviewed – then says he’s going to ‘get back on the Vegas diet’ a bit later.

Publicans of Adelaide, you have been warned.

Thomas says he didn’t expect his legs to desert him in round two. He showed some ticker in there and will thoroughly deserve that first Coopers. And all the following Coopers.

Quality stuff from Swan, who should take this in a canter

He told Daily Mail Australia he loves his boxing training, and it showed. Barry Michael hailed his ‘really good ringcraft’. The judges are almost certainly about to do the same.

Round 4: Dane Swan vs Dale Thomas

As long as Swan doesn’t stuff up and walk onto one, this should be his. Question is whether he’ll go for the KO.

Thomas is so exhausted he’s lost his footwork and isn’t throwing much back at all. He gets rocked with two lefts and is there to be hit.

Swan gets out of the corner easily, with some slick movement. Nails his man with a right hook – then Daisy gives his mate a hug with seconds left.

Thomas survives. But he won’t survive the scorecards.

Round 3: Dane Swan vs Dale Thomas

Thomas is the aggressor early but eats a counter left as he backs Swan into the ropes.

Swan just glances him with a lead left that would’ve rocked Thomas if it struck clean.

A long but ineffective combination from Swan as both men tire. Good shot to the body from Swan, then two good rights, a left snaps Thomas’s head back.

Thomas is outmatched but he has a good chin on him.

Thomas briefly switches to southpaw – he needs a knockout to win and looks way too tired to do it.

A taste of that Leapai power

Round 2: Dane Swan vs Dale Thomas

Swan stood between rounds, looking relaxed. Thomas sat and was sucking in the deep ones.

Jab to the body from Swan again. He’s judging the distance well, almost lands with a straight left, gets under the counter shot.

Great left uppercut counter here, then a very stiff jab to the face. Bloke knows what he’s doing.

Left lead from Swan almost finds its mark. He looks like he’s fought several times before – not rushed, not wasting energy.

Another clear-cut round to the man who didn’t leave the Pies for Carlton.

Round 1: Dane Swan vs Dale Thomas

Swan is grinning at Thomas and laughing with his cornermen as he enters the ring. He looks relaxed and easily in better shape than his mate.

Southpaw Swan to the body with the jab straight off, then a right to the body. Makes you wonder if he’s setting Thomas up for a head shot.

Great right hook hits Thomas in the face and snaps his head back but Thomas laughs in reply. He’s moving pretty well on his feet for a novice and fighting a southpaw first up is no easy task.

Swan doing all the stalking here and evading counters well.

Next up: Dane Swan vs Dale Thomas

They won a flag together at Collingwood but that won’t count for much when the bell sounds.

Danny Green was just wondering if their water bottles will be full of beer for this one. One thing’s for sure, you’d love to own the pub they’ll be drinking in after this fight.

Thomas thinks Swan’s blowout 40th in Mexico and Vegas will work in his favour – while admitting he hasn’t exactly been teetotal in the lead-up to their clash.

‘If you have the opportunity to punch my head into row two, please don’t,’ he says on Stan’s promo footage.

13261199  Dane Swan

Leapai Jr wins on points

The judges score it 38-38, 39-37, 39-37.

You can argue he was a little lucky but your correspondent reckons it’s a just result after he weathered all those low blows.

Still, respect to Ageli – he was expected to be cannon fodder in that one and, as Barry Michael pointed out, did a great Joe Frazier impersonation – put his head on Leapai’s chest and punched like his life depended on it.

Disgraceful display from the ref

Ageli threw low – hard and often – and should’ve been read the riot act by the second round. He deserved to have a point deducted there – and it could be the difference in the fight.

Round 4: Alex Leapai Jr vs Joe Ageli

Alex stood between rounds, Ageli was sitting.

Ageli doesn’t burrow in to start this round and is trying and failing to land from the outsdie early on.

Pawking jabs from Leapai, who’s on the ropes but not in trouble.

Nice right, left hook from Ageli. Leapai takes another low blow. That should’ve been the fifth warning from the ref.

Leapai neess to dig deep here and nail his tiring opponent – but he takes a good left hook, and another, while going to the body in close again.

Three good scoring shots from Leapai but Ageli keeps coming. A right lands but not cleanly.

Both men stand and trade non-stop for th last 20 seconds and Ageli is in trouble! He’s saved by the bell.

10-9 Leapai with that late burst.

Could be the second draw of the night.

Round 3: Alex Leapai Jr vs Joe Ageli

Leapai finally uses his jab and outstretched left to make a bit of distance but doesnt make it count. Then, once again, he can’t the space to really load up.

A Leapai left stuns his man, followed by an immense body shot, and another. Best passage of the fight for him by a mile.

An Ageli uppercut just misses and he hits Leapai in the groin. This ref needs to do his job. It’s blatant cheating here.

Leapai finally shovels some long, straight rights into his man. Ageli is tiring and nobody can take that damage to the body for too long.

Leapai is open to the counter with his hands down – but takes this one easily.

Round 2: Alex Leapai Jr vs Joe Ageli

Leapai’s corner told him to relax – if he’s too rigid in there he’ll tire himself out badly. Needs to use his reach, too.

Agely is closing the distance, betting inside Leapai’s reach advantage and punching like he’s trying to chop down a tree.

Leapai isn’t getting hurt but he’s getting badly out-landed. He needs to open up a gap and punch straight.

A massive right momentarily hurt Leapai. Ageli is going low regularly and the ref finally steps in with a warning.

Old cliche but they could’ve held this in a broom closet. Non-stop power shots.

Can’t emphasise enough how much Leapai needs to find some distance. He’s playing Ageli’s game here.

Round 1: Alex Leapai Jr vs Joe Ageli

Huge height and reach advantage for Leapai.

Ageli isn’t mucking around – straight into it with an overhand right.

Ageli is the busier but these body shots from Leapai are brutal. He gets warned to lift them up. He is whaling away to the midsection and the sound is eye-watering.

Bodywork must be the plan because there’s not a lot of headhunting from the youngster.

Ageli is getting through with hooks and arcing right hands but Leapia seems unfazed. He is there to be hit, though, standing straight and not showing great head movement.

Talk about action. This has been non stop. Ageli lands a massive right… to little effect. His left hook is hitting home the most.

Great round! Ageli gets the nod.

Next up: Alex Leapai Jr vs Joe Ageli

This could be one of those ‘I was there when’ moments in Aussie boxing. Leapai Jr gave up a shot at NRL stardom and is full of potential with a great pedigree, as his dad Alex Sr fought for the world heavyweight championship almost exactly 10 years ago. He’s just 18, was squatting 165kg when he was just 13, and has immense power.

Barry Michael is close to Leapai’s trainer Noel Thornberry, and says he believes him when he rates the young man extremely highly. You can tell the Aussie all-time great is psyched to see this one

That first shot from a ‘classy’ Anthony Rocca

Danny Green is full of praise for Rocca, who stopped headhunting after stunning his opponent with that hook in the first round and just went to the body.

McKernan retires from boxing

Good to see the big man is OK after getting knocked silly there. He spruiks his charity as he’s being interviewed and is lucid and steady on his feet as he confirms that’s it for him when it comes to pulling on the gloves.

‘S**t ton’ of work pays off for Rocca. Now it’s time for a beer

The Pies legend went through six months of work to rack up that win and is being congratulated on an outstanding act of sportsmanship.

He held McKernan up after cracking him with that final left hook. Asked if he’s going to have another pro fight, he says, ‘I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to have a beer. I haven’t had a drink in two months.’

Short left does the damage

Rocca hit McKernan on the jaw with a flush left hook as he leaned into him on the ropes, with the North legend standing up straight and failing to bring his right glove back to his chin.

‘Pebbles’ Rocca gets the win and Barry Michael was right – McKernan never recovered from that first shot in the first round.

Round 2: Anthony Rocca vs Corey McKernan – Rocca wins by knockout!

McKernan is trying to find his range with the jab, gets a right hand through – but gets absolutely nailed with a left hook on the ropes and it’s over!

Round 1: Anthony Rocca vs Corey McKernan

Rocca gets through with a right – then a nice left hook around the guard lands on the chin and hurts McKernan – who gets a standing eight count!

Barry Michael thinks this should be stopped because McKernan is hurt and looks unsteady and very slow.

Rocca looks definitley the more skilled of the two in the opening exhanges, he’s got way better head movement and the North great is standing up too straight and tall.

Rocca has done some nice work to the body and this is his fight.

About a minute away from Anthony Rocca vs Corey McKernan

Rocca is 46. McKernan is 50. It’s amazing they’re in the ring given they’ve got 479 games of AFL between them. Rocca has lost a staggering 20kg for this fight.

The first footy fight is up next

Anthony Rocca will take on Corey McKernan in a Collingwood vs North Melbourne stoush.

Daily Mail’s ringside eye reports that the venue is about half full at the moment.


Vorobev gives Capper a new nickname

The Russian has complained that his hands hurt and has nicknamed Capper ‘Steel Head’.

Here’s how they reacted to the judges’ decision.

A slice of the action from the night’s first fight

And the winner is… boxing fans. It’s a draw

The judges scored it 76-76, 79-73, 76-76 for a majority draw.

It was a close fight but your correspondent thought that was Capper’s, who was the busier and more aggressive of the two.

‘Mum, am I still handsome?’ Capper asks as he’s interviewed in the ring.

Put it this way: if the fight was judged on how marked up these blokes are, Vorobev would’ve won every round.

Round 8: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

Infighting to kick off the final round. The Russian’s left hook lands, he cops a one-two in return.

Capper’s pace is setting him apart, landing double jabs and heaping on the pressure as Vorobev starts relying on his power.

The Aussie is actually enjoying this and Vorobev’s corner is yelling at him to push. They know this is slipping away.

Capper jab snaps his man’s head back. Vorobev is not fighting with urgency. He lands a right but gets backed up, hit with a flurry, then nailed by a Capper right. Big shot there.

Good power shots from both men to finish but it’s Capper’s round again.

Round 7: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

Capper’s on top early, landing up and downstairs. Some of the pop has gone out of Vorobev, who lands with a sweet left hook that got the Aussie’s attention. It’s the first time Capper has been pressed back and the Russian lets him have a breather. Mistake.

Capper is now waving him on, playing mind games, letting him know he’s not hurt. He’s scoring with the jab, too. Easily the busier of the two and he lands a nice counter right.

Overhand right hits home – that was a cracker. Easily Capper’s best round, and the most lopsided round of the fight.

Round 6: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

Cracking shots to the body from both fighters right after the bell but Capper’s corner will be worried about Vorobev’s right, which is suddenly landing a lot more.

Nice uppercut from Capper, right to the back of the head from Vorobev… it’s the definition of a see-sawing affair.

Another warning for a low shot from Vorobev – he’s got to lose a point if he does it again.

Capper right snaps the Russian’s head back, but he replies with a big right of his own. The Aussie didn’t even feel it, from the looks.

Good Capper body shot is the last clean punch of the round. Toss of a coin to score this one.

Round 5: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

Past the halfway point now and Vorobev – who looks the fresher fighter and definitely the less marked-up – needs to up his game a bit.

A right that might have hit partly on the back of the head gets Capper’s attention, so does the following uppercut. The Russian hits hard to the body but gets a second warning for a low blow.

More slipping withou countering from Vorobev. He’s setting up off that beautiful jab but not throwing power behind it. More combos would be good.

Vorobev goes for broke with a left hook and just misses. Nice exchange on the inside with both men scoring. Capper keeps him honest by going to the body, but gets hit with a jab and a grazing right.

Capper has a besser block for a head – ate a huge right to finish that. It’s the Russian’s round.

Round 4: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

Barry Michael reckons Vorobev doesn’t like fighting on the back foot, which capper has been making him do for the last two rounds.

The Russian gets a talking to from the ref over a low blow as the fighters start to clinch for the first time, which you’d have to think will favour Capper.

Vorobev makes him miss again, but once more, no counter. He’s thrown uppercuts and right hand leads in this round – and he’s just eaten three good shots.

Very close round… the late burst makes it Capper’s.

Round 3: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

A jab-a-thon to kick off the third, with Vorobev getting the better of it. Neither man has really gon for broke with their shots so far – here’s hoping it opens up a bit now.

Capper is closing the distance a bit more and needs to be careful he doesn’t walk onto a right. His face is looking a littl marked up from that jab.

Good right to the body from the Sandgroper, then a right to the head, followed by another. Vorobev can make him miss but he’s not countering well.

Capper controlling the action here, closing the distance without much difficulty. Missed with a wild right to finish that one.

Round 2: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

Capper’s corner want more head movement from their man, who loves sitting straight in front of the Russian. He walks onto a jab in the first minute, but gets one through after backing Vorobev into a corner.

Commentator and Aussie boxing legend Barry Michael rates Capper’s boxing in this round, he’s listened to his corner and isn’t getting hit as cleanly as he was in the first – but his hands look slow compared to Vorobev.

The Russian tries a right hand lead and misses, falls back on his jab. Capper lands with a light right hand, gets hit to the body, then a right.

Strong finish from Vorobev but not enough to take it.

Round 1: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev

The usual feeling out, jab-heavy period, with the Russian getting through first. Great jab on him – accurate, quick and stiff as a board.

Vorobev is trying to catch Capper with the left hook when the Sandgroper tries to come in and hit the body.

Nice right hand gets Capper off balance but he’s not hurt. That Vorobev jab is textbook stuff.

Capper owns the centre of the ring and Vorobev looks happy with that. It’s clearly the Russian’s round.

A possible world first for ring walk headgear

Capper has emerged wearing one of those little baseball caps with a propeller on the top. Looks like Green was right with his ‘mad as a bag of cats’ description.

Daily Mail’s correspondent has been watching fights for decades and has never seen that. Not even Tyson Fury or Floyd Mayweather would dare go down that fashion road.

Tonight’s first fight

Perth product Wes Capper takes on Sergei Vorobev in a middleweight clash to kick off proceedings.

Capper is a former state boxing champ and Australian Muay Thai champ with a 22-5-1 record in the pro ranks – plus he is experienced in MMA. Danny Green rates him highly, having sparred him many times.

Vorobev is Russian-born, based in Australia and boasts a 20-2-0 record. Like many Russian fighters, he has a rep as a technician with great technique.

Green reckons Capper is ‘mad as a bag of cats’.

Hanging out to see Kane Cornes get smashed? Danny Green has some bad news for you…

The Aussie boxing great rated the skills and heart of the footy players on tonight’s card – and he had some words of praise for the controversial Port star.

Dane Swan loses 5kg for his fight – but not due to boxing training

The Collingwood great loves his boxing training – it’s been his main way of keeping fit in retirement – and he has dropped a lot of weight for his bout with Dale Thomas, some of it in very… unorthodox fashion.

G’day and welcome

Thanks for joining us for Daily Mail Australia’s coverage of The Gathering footy fight night, with some of the biggest names in the AFL making their debut in the ring, along with some outstanding professional boxers.

We’ll be bringing you round-by-round action from Adelaide as Port Power great Kane Cornes takes on Dogs and Richmond gun turned Channel Nine star Nathan Brown in one of the most highly anticipated bouts of the night.

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